Safeguarding / Prevent
At Wise Origin we want to ensure every learner has the opportunity to thrive and achieve their full potential. We are committed to keeping every learner safe, both at college and in the workplace. All adults should be able to live free from fear or harm and have their rights and choices respected.
All of our staff receive regular training in Safeguarding and Prevent, so they are able to recognise key indicators linked and can signpost accordingly. The Welfare, IAG and Safeguarding Manager is qualified to manage concerns, liaise with relevant authorities and ensure that appropriate support is provided to keep our learners safe.
Designated Safeguarding Lead
All schools, organisations and providers are required to have a designated member of staff, who is assigned to act upon child and vulnerable adult protection concerns.
The nominated Designated Safeguarding Lead at Wise Origin is:
Yusuf Patel, Designated Safeguarding Lead
You may contact the DSL, send an email or contact us to discuss any issues you may have. All issues will be dealt with completely confidentially. If you are a professional or have safeguarding files that you need to transfer, please use the details below.
Email us via
Call the Designated Safeguarding Lead on 07704 6212 13 or 0116 242 5557.
We pride ourselves on the support we give to all of our learners. As a learner, you will have support from your assessor, and will also have regular contact with the Welfare, IAG, and Safeguarding Manager where you can discuss personal issues or concerns. We can then support you to access the relevant services to enable you to achieve your qualification and ensure that you thrive during your time with us.
You can find out more information from our policies here.
Safeguarding looks at keeping children, young people and adults safe from a wide range of potential harm, and puts procedures into place to prevent, as well as acting to stop harm.
Child protection looks at recognising abuse and neglect and acting to stop it.
Abuse is an action by another person that goes against someone’s human or civil rights. It can take many forms: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Sexual, or Financial.
Examples include:
Hitting, slapping, pushing, or rough handling
Depriving someone of food, clothing or warmth
Sexual activity without consent
Misuse or theft of money, possessions or property
Shouting, swearing or using degrading language
Cyberbullying, by text, social networking sites, emails
Neglecting someone’s medical or physical needs
Abuse can happen anywhere: at home, in a residential or nursing home,
hospital, day centre, or in a public place. Some kinds of abuse are also criminal offences.
The Prevent Duty (The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015)
All FE providers have a duty to safeguard their Learners and Apprentices. A new term ‘The Prevent Duty" is being used within safeguarding to ensure young people are kept safe and within the law. The strategy is not about preventing Wise Origin College Apprentices from having political and religious views and concerns, but about supporting them to use those concerns or act on them in non-extremist ways.
Section 21 of the CTS Act 2015 places a duty on Training Providers, listed in Schedule 3 of the Act, to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.
What is Extremism?
The Government has defined extremism as “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs”. This also includes calls for the death of members of the British armed forces.
British Values are embedded in everything that we do – at Wise Origin College, we actively engage learners in being tolerant, kind and supportive citizens ready for their future, and do not tolerate any kind of discriminatory behaviour.
British values are defined as “democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs”. Training providers are expected to encourage young people to respect other people with particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010.
If there are concerns about the vulnerability of someone being radicalised, this will be reported to the appropriate channels for support and guidance.
We are spending more time in a virtual world, whether it’s for work or socially. While technology opens the door to a wide range of opportunities, at WOC we want to ensure that all our staff and learners know how to stay safe online.
You can read our Student Guide to Online Safety here.
There are lots of support services available that can give you ideas on self help, or direct you to local services. Click on the tabs to find out more!
Mental Health support for learners in Leicester, Leicestershire, Rutland, Derby and Derbyshire – FREE self-referral service
NHS Mental Health
Mental Health advice and support available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – National
If you are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless (this includes sofa surfing) use this link to find your local council housing service and advice on what to do next – National
Support for young people and parents including mental health, CCE, CSE, Gangs and a range of other services – National
Help for adults concerned about a child – 0808 800 5000
Help for children and young people – 0800 1111
A range of self help resources, and links to helplines and specific support to help with mental health and wellbeing – National
There is also specific support if you are worried about Coronavirus –
Citizens Advice offers a range of support, including advice on money, housing, work, coronavirus and lots more. Some support is on the website, or you can find your local branch to get help too.
Information on your rights including family, money, support and Coronavirus – National
If you or someone you know is a victim of Domestic Abuse, there is help out there. Both the government website and Women’s Aid can provide support and refuge, and have advice in a range of languages too – National
If you having caring responsibilities, there is lots of support you can access, from help financially, to emotional support.
If you or someone you know if affected by substance misuse there are a range of local and national support services you can access, both for the person affected, as well as those around them.