Employ and pay your apprentice for at least 30 hours per week including time spent training or studying for relevant qualifications.
Confirm that the apprentice’s job is genuine with an accompanying skills development programme that will allow the apprentice to gain the technical knowledge, practical experience and wider skills they need for their immediate job and future career.
Confirm at the start of the apprenticeship that there is available time you will allow for the apprentice to be able to complete their apprenticeship within their working hours. There will be 6 hours throughout the week in order to do so, excluding English and maths.
Allow for at least 6 hours a week of the apprentice’s time to be spent on off-the-job training and allow reasonable access to Wise Origin staff for the purpose of providing assessment and/or underpinning knowledge.
After successful completion of the apprenticeship, if the apprentice wishes to remain with the employer and a vacancy arises, the employer should offer this opportunity to the apprentice.
Provide appropriate supervision to support, encourage and monitor the apprentice in the workplace including provision of a nominated mentor and deputy to ensure continuity of supervision.
Ensure that recruitment practice is not detrimental either to the apprentice or the apprenticeship brand.
Ensure that all current funding rules are not breached to avoid recovery of all or part government funding and provide evidence to meet these rules.
Complete the apprenticeship training services agreement and agree to the terms and conditions.